My Guest Book
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12 Stones

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Say hello and tell me how good of a job I'm doing with my site!

  1161 Please post a messge on my cork board!

My Corkboard

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you from:
have you visited my other site? do you like it?
Do you have a Quote for me?
Do you, or have you ever owned a dead monkey named Chip?


as usual I am begging for some certain things that I need to get for my site and I'm counting on you! any elijah wood,orlando bloom,Oded fehr. pics are constantly in need. but right now I am hunting for pictures of Live (the greatest group that ever lived) I am also looking for eric Szmanda picsture (also known as greg from CSI) Thank you so much!
email anything you find to me at

This site is updated every time I get new info or new ideas so please visit again soon.
